The Perfect White Scooter for Your Urban Adventures
Experience the Freedom and Style with Our White Scooter
Are you looking for a sleek and stylish mode of transportation that effortlessly glides through city streets? Look no further than our white scooter! Designed with both functionality and aesthetics in mind, our white scooter is the perfect companion for your urban adventures.
Efficient and Eco-Friendly
Our white scooter is powered by an efficient electric motor, making it an eco-friendly choice for your daily commute. Say goodbye to noisy engines and harmful emissions, and hello to a cleaner and greener way of getting around town.
Compact and Maneuverable
With its compact design, our white scooter is perfect for navigating through crowded city streets and tight parking spaces. Its lightweight construction and agile handling make it a breeze to maneuver, allowing you to effortlessly weave through traffic and reach your destination in no time.
Konfor ve Rahatlık
We understand the importance of comfort during your rides, which is why our white scooter is equipped with a comfortable seat and ergonomic handlebars. Whether you’re commuting to work or exploring the city on the weekends, you’ll enjoy a smooth and comfortable ride every time.
Önce Güvenlik
Your safety is our top priority. Our white scooter comes with advanced safety features, including responsive brakes, bright LED lights, and a sturdy frame for enhanced stability. Ride with confidence, knowing that you’re protected on the road.
Akıllı ve Bağlantılı
Stay connected on the go with the integrated smart features of our white scooter. Connect your smartphone via Bluetooth and access essential information such as battery life, speed, and navigation. With our white scooter, you can stay connected and informed without compromising your safety.
Express Your Style
Stand out from the crowd with our white scooter’s sleek and modern design. Its clean lines and glossy finish exude sophistication and style, making it a fashion statement on wheels. Whether you’re a trendsetter or simply want to ride in style, our white scooter is the perfect choice.
Bakımı Kolay
Maintaining our white scooter is a breeze. With its durable construction and high-quality components, you can enjoy years of trouble-free riding. Additionally, our white scooter is designed with easy access to essential parts, making maintenance and repairs quick and hassle-free.
Join the White Scooter Revolution
Ready to revolutionize your daily commute? Join the white scooter revolution and experience the freedom, style, and convenience that our white scooter offers. Whether you’re a city dweller, a student, or a weekend explorer, our white scooter is the perfect choice for your urban adventures.
Don’t miss out on the opportunity to own the best white scooter on the market. Order yours today and start enjoying the benefits of a stylish, eco-friendly, and convenient mode of transportation.
lütfen youtube'daki kutu açma ve inceleme videolarımızı izleyin, youtube'da modellerimizle Rooder'ı arayın veya aşağıdaki bağlantılara tıklayın:
Fabrika Turu
Elektrikli Scooterlar
Elektrikli Bisikletler
Sıcak Etiketler:
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— Lütfen Elektrikli Scooter Üreticisinin <> ile iletişime geçin -
Siz de Beğenebilirsiniz:
Citycoco Choppers Fabrikası
mangosteen m1p özel Rooder 2000w 30ah akü EEC COC satılık.
Kısa Açıklama:
Mangosteen M1P, tek bir şarjla 55 mile kadar seyahat edebilen 60V 30Ah lityum bataryalı bir elektrikli scooter'dır. Rooder batarya çıkarılabilir, böylece elektrik prizine erişiminiz olan her yerde şarj edebilirsiniz. M1P, kolay şarj sağlayan hızlı değiştirilebilir bir pil tasarımına sahiptir. M1P scooter'ı Rooder Group'tan en iyi toptan fiyatla satın alabilirsiniz. whatsap +8613632905138- Marka: OEM/ODM/ROODER
- Min.Sipariş Miktarı: 10 Adet / Adet
- Tedarik Yeteneği: 10000 Adet / Adet her Ay
- Liman: Shenzhen
- Ödeme Koşulları: T/T, L/C, D/A, D/P
Elektroroller Harley Scooter Citycoco Elektroscooter COC EEC ROODER
Kısa Açıklama:
Rooder grubu kendi patentimiz olan citycoco'ya sahiptir ve aynı zamanda EEC onayını geçmiştir.
Rooder citycoco elektrikli scooter R804-m8, birinci nesil citycoco r804'e dayanan yeni bir tasarımdır, tek koltuk, daha güçlü motor ve çıkarılabilir pil, isteğe bağlı 12ah ve 20ah pil ile birlikte gelir. EEC standardı 168/2013 kategorisi Le1B'nin yanı sıra Avrupa'da sokakta yasal kullanım için kayıt için VIN ve COC belgesini geçti. Hollanda ve Almanya'da depomuz var, Min sipariş 1 adet, Hollanda, Belçika, Almanya, Fransa, Birleşik Krallık gibi Avrupa Birliği Ülkelerine hızlı sevkiyat,
Monako, İtalya, İspanya, İrlanda, Danimarka, İsveç, Finlandiya, Yunanistan, Litvanya, Letonya, Portekiz, Estonya, Hırvatistan, Romanya, Macaristan vb.
mangosteen m1ps Rooder SARA citycoco chopper 60v 50ah
Kısa Açıklama:
mangosten m1ps
4000 ila 8000w motor, 45kmph ila 100kmph veya 62mph maksimum hız
72v40ah veya 60v50a lityum pil, 80-160km menzil
EEC COC DOT CE FCC ROHS sertifikaları
Rooder mangosten markası +8613632905138
1200w elektrikli akülü motosiklet citycoco harley r804e eec ön lamba arka dönüş fren lambası plaka lambası dikiz aynaları destek ayağı ve gösterge paneli
Kısa Açıklama:
ucuz ve kaliteli 1200w elektrikli akülü motosiklet, eec ile citycoco harley elektrikli scooter, elektrikli bisiklet tedarikçisi Rooder Technology Limited'den toptan düşük fiyat yetişkin elektrikli motosiklet bulmak
EEC: Evet,
ön lamba: evet,
arka lamba: evet,
fren lambası: evet,
dönüş lambası: evet,
plaka lambası: evet
dikiz aynaları: evet
destek ayağı: evet
gösterge paneli: evet
Çin'den COC onaylı Harley Moto Citycoco elektrikli scooter
Kısa Açıklama:
Çin tedarikçisinden COC onaylı Harley Moto Citycoco elektrikli scooter bulma, Avrupa yol yasalarına uygun Rooder EEC & COC harley citycoco elektrikli scooter fabrikası
harley elektrikli scooter 1000w r804c iki büyük motosiklet tekerleği ile yağ lastiği 60v çıkarılabilir lityum pil Rooder e-scooter ihracatçı firmasından 100 renk
Kısa Açıklama:
harley elektrikli scooter 1000w ve elektrikli motosiklet scooter tedarikçisi fabrika üreticisi ve ihracatçısı şirket shenzhen rooder technology co ltd'den yüksek kaliteli ve ucuz harley elektrikli scooter 1000w ve elektrikli motosiklet scooter bulun
harley elektrikli scooter 1000w r804c iki büyük motosiklet tekerleği ile yağ lastiği 60v çıkarılabilir lityum pil Rooder e-scooter ihracatçı firmasından 100 renk
yeni̇ tasarim led işik: evet.
çıkarılabilir lityum pil: evet.
İki koltuk: Evet.
ön şok emilimi: evet
arka/arka amortisörlü süspansiyon : evet
Elektrikli Scooter Tedarikçisi
lityum pilli iki tekerlekli ayakta elektrikli scooter r803c 5.5 inç motor katlanabilir alüminyum alaşımlı gövde
Kısa Açıklama:
yüksek kalite ve ucuz fiyat katlanabilir elektrikli scooter, Rooder katlanabilir elektrikli scooter fabrika tedarikçisi üretici ihracatçı firmadan toptan katlanabilir elektrikli scooter bulmak
katlanabilir scooter,
Lityum pil,
5,5 inç veya 6,5 inç jantlar,
fabrika fiyatı
Rooder r803o16 en büyük e scooter şirketleri 13 inç 60v 50ah
Kısa Açıklama:
Ürünlerimizin mükemmel kalitesini, zamanında teslimatı ve son derece rekabetçi fiyatları sağlamak için bileşen seçimi, inceleme, montaj, devreye alma ve paketlemenin her alanında sıkı kalite yönetimi standartlarını uygulamak için özel bir tasarım ekibimiz, mühendis ekibimiz, üretim ekibimiz ve servis ekibimiz var. Benzersiz tasarımlara ve patentlere sahip olan ve görünüm, işlev ve ayrıntılar açısından mükemmelleştirilmiş orijinal tasarımlı yeni ürünlerimizi her 3 ayda bir piyasaya sürüyoruz.
CE, UL, KC ve Rohs gibi ilgili sertifikalarla ürünlerimiz Kuzey Amerika, Avrupa, Avustralya, Japonya, Kore, Yeni Zelanda, Güney Amerika ve Orta Doğu'da 50'den fazla ülke ve bölgesel pazara ihraç edilmektedir. Sizinle uzun vadeli bir iş ilişkisi geliştirmeyi dört gözle bekliyoruz. Ürünlerimizden herhangi biriyle ilgileniyorsanız bizimle iletişime geçmekten çekinmeyin! Tüm OEM ve ODM projeleri için bize katılmanızı bekliyoruz.
katlanabilir elektrikli mobilite scooter r803x iki 8,5 inç tekerlekli lityum pil ön arka led ışık
Kısa Açıklama:
en kaliteli ve ucuz fiyat bulmak 2 tekerlekli elektrikli scooter katlanabilir, toptan 2 tekerlekli elektrikli scooter katlanabilir Rooder 2 tekerlekli elektrikli scooter katlanabilir alibaba altın tedarikçisi üretici fabrika ihracat şirketi
beyaz ön led ışık,
kırmızı yanıp sönen arka led lamba,
8.5 inç jantlar,
yüksek kalite
Rooder gt01 ucuz en iyi menzilli elektrikli scooter 48v 6000w 23ah
Kısa Açıklama:
2010 yılında kurulan Rooder technology Co, Ltd, Ar-Ge, üretim, satış ve servisi entegre eden elektrikli scooter, kendinden dengeli scooter, e-bisikletin önde gelen üreticilerinden biridir. Trafik araçları tasarımı ve üretiminde 8 yılı aşkın deneyimimizle, yurt içinde ve dünya çapında prestijli bir marka oluşturma yeteneklerine sahip olduğumuzdan eminiz. Avrupa, ABD, Güney Amerika, Orta Doğu, Japonya ve Kore gibi tüm dünyada çeşitli müşterilere hizmet vermekteyiz. Ürünlerimiz ROHS, CE, UL sertifikalarını geçti. Her türlü OEM ve ODM siparişleri memnuniyetle karşılanmaktadır!
Rooder r803o17 yüksek güçlü e scooter 52v 6000w 20ah
Kısa Açıklama:
Şirket, elektrikli scooter, elektrikli motosiklet ve elektrikli bisiklet tasarımı, geliştirilmesi ve üretimi yapmaktadır. Ana ürünler escooer, citycoco chopper, moto'dur. Ürünler ülke genelinde 20'den fazla il ve şehirde iyi satılmakta ve 30'dan fazla ülke ve bölgeye ihraç edilmektedir.
Satılık yeni elektrikli scooter Rooder gt01 çift motor 48v20ah
Kısa Açıklama:
yeni elektrikli scooter Rooder gt01
1. Amortisörleri daha kaliteli olanlara yükseltin ve açıları ayarlayın.
2. Pedal yüksekliğini 17 cm'ye yükseltin.
3. Daha hoş bir tasarım yapmak için kornayı fara gizleyin.
4. Pil kapağının GT01 şifreli kilidini yükseltin.
5. Akü kutusunu ve konnektörü yükseltin.
6. Yan lambaları yükseltin
7. Arka çamurluğun malzemesini yükseltin.
8. Katlama kısmını daha güçlü hale getirin.
9. LCD ekranı yükseltme
10. Dekoratif parçaların renklerini ayarlayın
11. Zımpara kağıdını yükseltin.
İki motorlu yeni 2400W katlanır tekmeli elektrikli scooter
Kısa Açıklama:
Rooder elektrikli scooter fabrikasından, yüksek stander kick scooter tedarikçisinden iki motorlu, yüksek güçlü alüminyum alaşımlı elektrikli scooter ile 2400w katlanır tekme elektrikli scooter bulma.
katlanır elektrikli scooter r803b 8 inç fırçasız motorlu tekerlekli lcd ekranlı yetişkinler için siyah beyaz mavi renk satılık
Kısa Açıklama:
yetişkinler için yüksek kaliteli ve ucuz fiyat katlanır elektrikli scooter, Rooder alibaba altın tedarikçisi yetişkinler için toptan katlanır elektrikli scooter üzerinde yetişkinler için katlanır elektrikli scooter bulmak
katlanır elektrikli scooter,
8 inç motor,
Lityum pil,
doğrudan fabrika,
toptan satış fiyatı
Elektrikli Bisiklet Fabrikası
elektrikli bisiklet Rooder r809-s4 750w 45kmph
Elektrikli Bisiklet r809-s8 26 inç CE FCC Toptan Satış
cb01b Rooder yağlı lastik elektrikli bisiklet 48v 1000w 40ah toptan satış fiyatı
Kısa Açıklama:
Rooder Technology Co, Ltd 2 milyon kayıtlı sermaye ile araştırma ve geliştirme, üretim ve ticaret entegre bir yüksek teknoloji kuruluştur. Başlıca ürünlerimiz elektrikli scooter, mobilite scooterları, tekerlekli sandalye römorku, citycoco helikopteri vb. IS09001 uluslararası kalite sistemi ve IS013485: 2003 kalite güvence sistemi ve ISO14001 kalite ve çevre sistemi sertifikası ile tanınmış bulunmaktayız.
Ürünlerimiz Çin yetkili denetim kuruluşları ve AB CE Sertifikası tarafından onaylanmıştır. Ayrıca özelleştirilmiş çözümü de destekliyoruz. Samimi ortaklarınız olarak Rooder Group, engelliler ve yaşlılar için kolaylık sağlamayı ve hayatı renkli hale getirmeyi taahhüt eder.
yağ bisikleti cappu 48v 500w 22.5a toptan satış fiyatı
Satılık Ebike r809-s6 26 inç 750w
Satılık Elektrikli Bisiklet Rooder r809-s3 26 inç
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citycoco 3000w Rooder super m1 28a with double seat
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Rooder Super M1 custom 3000w 28a
update to 3000w from 2000w, 70km/h max speed.
update to 28a full battery celss, 55-75 kilometers range.
support double seat
12 ay garantilidir, whatsapp +8613632905138
Fat Tire Electric Mountain Bike factory OEM China Wholesale
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Fat Tire Electric Mountain Bike – Rooder Factory and Suppliers From China.
Our advancement depends over the superior machines, exceptional talents and continually strengthened technology forces for Fat Tire Electric Mountain Bike, Best Ebikes , Electric Dirt Bike , Electric Fat Bike Price ,E Bike Cycle . We’ve been confident that there’ll become a promising future and we hope we can have long lasting cooperation with consumers from all over the world. The Rooder ebikes, escooters and citycoco choppers will supply to all over the world, such as Europe, America, Australia,United States , Indonesia ,Cannes , Guyana .Wide selection and fast delivery to suit your needs! Our philosophy: Good quality, great service, keep improving. We’ve been looking forward that more and more oversea friends join in our family for further development near the future!
Fast Electric Dirt Bikes For Sale wholesale price
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Fast Electric Dirt Bikes For Sale – Wholesale Price Rooder China Manufacturer
Shenzhen Rooder Technology Company has been focusing on brand strategy. Customers’ satisfaction is our best advertising. We also supply OEM service for Fast Electric Dirt Bikes For Sale, Electricbikes , Dirt E Bikes For Sale , New Electric Dirt Bike ,Best Electric Dirt Bike For Teenager . We welcome customers, business associations and friends from all parts of the world to contact us and seek cooperation for mutual benefits. The Rooder ebikes and escooters products will supply to all over the world, such as Europe, America, Australia,Sydney , Algeria ,Slovenia , Casablanca .Business philosophy: Take the customer as the Center, take the quality as the life, integrity, responsibility, focus, innovation.We will provide professional, quality in return for the trust of customers, with most major global suppliers,all of our employees will work together and move forward together.
Freestyle Scooter factory OEM China Wholesale
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Top 10 Best Freestyle Scooters For Beginners And Pros – Ultimate Guide.
Introducing the latest freestyle scooter from Rooder scooter manufacturer, the leading manufacturer and supplier of quality scooters in China. With our factory’s commitment to innovation and quality, you can be assured of an exceptional riding experience with our freestyle scooter. Crafted with high-quality materials and advanced manufacturing techniques, our freestyle scooter is built to withstand the toughest tricks and stunts. Its sturdy frame, robust wheels, and responsive brakes are designed to ensure maximum safety and stability. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned pro, the flexibility and smoothness of our freestyle scooter will enhance your ride and elevate your performance. Durable and sleek, it is the perfect scooter for cruising around the park or showing off your skills at the skatepark. Order now and experience the thrill of freestyle riding with our unbeatable quality and customer service. Trust in Rooder electric scooter manufacturer, the top supplier of freestyle scooters in China, for all your scooter needs.
foldable electric cycle factory OEM China Wholesale
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Introducing the revolutionary Foldable Electric Cycle, the ultimate solution for easy and convenient transportation. Whether you’re commuting to work, running errands, or simply enjoying a leisurely ride, this innovative electric cycle offers the perfect blend of functionality, portability, and style. Experience the future of transportation with our foldable electric cycle. With its unmatched portability, effortless riding experience, long-lasting battery life, and stylish design, this electric cycle is the perfect solution for those seeking convenience and reliability in their daily commute or leisurely rides. Say goodbye to traffic jams, parking hassles, and the limitations of traditional bicycles. Embrace the freedom and convenience of our foldable electric cycle today!
E City Folding Electric Bike factory OEM China Wholesale
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E City Folding Electric Bike – Rooder China Manufacturers and Factory.
continue to enhance, to be certain solution top quality in line with market and buyer standard requirements. Our corporation has a excellent assurance program are actually established for E City Folding Electric Bike, Longest Range Electric Dirt Bike , The Best Fat Tire Electric Bike , Fat Tyre Electric Bike ,Ebike Cycle . We are very proud of the good reputation from our customers for our products’ reliable quality. The Rooder ebikes, escooters and citycoco choppers will supply to all over the world, such as Europe, America, Australia,United Arab emirates , New Delhi ,New Delhi , Sri Lanka .We insist on Quality First, Reputation First and Customer First. We are committed to providing high-quality products and good after-sales services. Up to now, our products have been exported to more than 60 countries and areas around the world, such as America, Australia and Europe. We enjoy a high reputation at home and abroad. Always persisting in the principle of Credit, Customer and Quality, we expect cooperation with people in all walks of life for mutual benefits.
Bicycle Shop Near Me
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best electric bicycle factory OEM China Wholesale
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Discover the best electric bicycle for your commute. This innovative and powerful electric bike will revolutionize your daily commute and provide a convenient and eco-friendly way to get around. Experience the power of electric with effortless assistance as you pedal. Customize your riding experience with multiple levels of pedal assist. Enjoy unmatched convenience and efficiency with a lightweight design and long-lasting battery. Choose an environmentally friendly transportation option with zero emissions. Ride in comfort and safety with an ergonomic design, adjustable seat and handlebars, reliable brakes, and LED lights. Join the electric bike revolution and transform your daily commute. Order your best electric bicycle today and start enjoying the benefits of electric transportation.
Connect Folding Electric Bike factory OEM China Wholesale
- 0 yorumlar
Connect Folding Electric Bike – Rooder China Suppliers and Factory.
We continue to keep increasing and perfecting our solutions and service. At the same time, we operate actively to do research and enhancement for Connect Folding Electric Bike, Power Bike , Commuter Ebike , Single Speed Electric Bike ,Best Fat Tire Ebikes . We warmly welcome business partners from all walks of life, expect to establish friendly and cooperative business contact with you and achieve a win-win goal. The Rooder ebikes, escooters and citycoco choppers will supply to all over the world, such as Europe, America, Australia,Malaysia , British ,Curacao , Cannes .We’ve a good reputation for stable quality solutions, well received by customers at home and abroad. Shenzhen Rooder Technology Co Limited would be guided by the idea of Standing in Domestic Markets, Walking into International Markets. We sincerely hope that we could do business with customers both at home and abroad. We expect sincere cooperation and common development!
20 Inch Folding Electric Bike wholesale price
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20 Inch Folding Electric Bike – Wholesale Price from Rooder Manufacturer
To become the stage of realizing dreams of our employees! To build a happier, much more united and far more professional team! To reach a mutual profit of our clients, suppliers, the society and ourselves for 20 Inch Folding Electric Bike, Electric Start Dirt Bike , Electric Dirt Bike Mens , Ebikes For Sale ,All Terrain Fat Tire Bikes . The mission of Shenzhen Rooder Technology Company is to provide the highest quality products with best price. We are looking forward to doing business with you! The Rooder ebikes and escooters products will supply to all over the world, such as Europe, America, Australia,Finland , Thailand ,Bhutan , Mali .We follow superior mechanism to process these products that ensure optimum durability and reliability of the products. We follow latest effective washing and straightening processes that allow us to offer unmatched quality of products for our clients. We continually strive for perfection and all our efforts are directed towards attaining complete client satisfaction.
Best Electric Cycle wholesale price
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Best Electric Cycle – Wholesale Price from Rooder Manufacturer
Bear Customer first, Quality first in mind, we work closely with our customers and provide them with efficient and professional services for Best Electric Cycle, Lightweight Electric Dirt Bike , Wide Tyre Electric Bike , Best Fat Tire Ebikes ,Ebike Electric Bike . We warmly welcome domestic and abroad buyers deliver inquiry to us ,we now have 24hours doing work team! Anytime anywhere we are still here to be your partner. The Rooder ebikes and escooters products will supply to all over the world, such as Europe, America, Australia,Afghanistan , Madras ,Ukraine , Paraguay .Shenzhen Rooder Technology Company has built stable business relationships with many well-known domestic companies as well as oversea customers. With the goal of providing high quality products to customers at low cots, we are committed to improving its capacities in research, development, manufacturing and management. We have honored to receive recognition from our customers. Till now we have passed ISO9001 in 2005 and ISO/TS16949 in 2008. Enterprises of quality of survival, the credibility of development for the purpose, sincerely welcome domestic and foreign businessmen to visit to discuss cooperation.
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